Monday, September 30, 2013

You are invited . . .

Tuesday, October 1st from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m

Please make plans to stop by one of the following addresses below for our annual Neighborhood Night Out "Block Parties". We will be easy to find, since we'll be hanging around the driveway and front yards.

It is easy to participate . . . just stop by and say Hi.  You will feel safer getting to know your neighbors and letting them know you live here too.

We need everyone to participate in our neighborhood crime watch, and the first step is to get to know who lives next door and on your street.  Come by on Tuesday night and meet your Crime Watch volunteers.  Get valuable information on how to prevent crime and keep your family and property safe.

An aware neighborhood is a safe neighborhood.  Vigilence is our first line of defense against crime.  AND IT WORKS ! ! !

Another important reason to attend our annual National Night Out block parties is that we become a friendlier neighborhood.  We meet people like us, and other interesting people with talents, skills and knowledge that we need and can enrich our lives.  We make new friends and form a stronger community.

The Gracywoods Neighborhood Association is proud to support this proven national formula of making communities safer and stronger.  Please take a few minutes and stop by to meet us and your neighbors.

Thanks for helping us keep the neighborhood safe!

Gracywoods 2013 Block Parties

Party Location                               Hosts

12025 Cherie Drive                Donna Berrasn
11900 Cherie Drive                Judy and Robert Morgan
1208 Gemini Drive                 Randy Ortega
1106 Gemini Drive                 Dale Sellers
1706 Pheasant Roost            Cristy Able
11403 Charolais Cove            Deborah Samoson
1802 Rainy Meadows             Mary and Kelly Rudig
1708 Kimmerling Lane           Trish Karli
12014 Lincolnshire Drive        Gregg Bennett

P.S.  Each host will be coordinating their own party activities and many are having Pot-Lucks receptions.Cookies, treats and snacks are always welcomed, but not required.  If you have a dietary condition or limitation please bring a your own beverages or snacks. Children are welcome to attend with adults.  Please do not bring your pets, as some residents have allergies. Thank you!

Please register on our new website to receive block specific information soon!


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