Thursday, May 3, 2012

Bond Forum - tonight

Bond Forum
Thursday, May 3rd, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
 Lanier High School Cafeteria
1201 Payton Gin Road
park on west side of cafeteria and enter on that side

We hope you will try to make the Bond Task Force community meeting that will take place at Lanier High School tonight, May 3, 6:30-8:30PM.

This will be one of the last times citizens can communicate with the Citizen Bond Election Advisory Task Force members before they make their final recommendations to the City Council in May.

North Austin neighborhood leaders have been working hard to convince the Bond Task Force members how much we need transportation and mobility improvements in the N. Lamar/Burnet Rd. corridors.  As of right now, the BTF members have recommended $34,200,000 for Phase 1 N. Lamar & Burnet Rd. corridor improvements.  That's a great start, and we don't want them to reduce that amount in their final recommendations!

So, please come out and tell the Task Force members how much we need those transportation and mobility improvements.


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