Monday, October 18, 2010

No excuse

Dear Friends and Neighbors,


Voting in Austin is so easy! 

You can vote by mail.  You can vote early.  You can vote on Election Day. 

And yet our voter turnout is miserable.  Why? 

What's a legitimate excuse for not voting? 


What about, "I don't have a ride."  

No problem. Gracywoods has volunteers who will drive you to the polls for early voting or on Election Day.  Just email us at


Or another common excuse is: "I don't have time." 

Really?  Are you so busy, you will not have time to make it to the bank, the grocery store, or church in the next two weeks? Are you totally booked between Monday, October 18, 2010 and Friday, October 29th, Monday – Saturday, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., or on Sunday, noon and 6:00 p.m.  

Surely, you can spare 5 minutes to run into a polling place and cast your ballot.  There will be no lines, I assure you!


How about this excuse? "I'll be out of town." 

Ok, you can call (512) 238-VOTE to request a ballot by mail before you "leave town".  Or download an application at:


Here are the best excuses. "I am not political" or "I don't care who wins."

That's okay. You don't have to care about the taxes you pay, how your tax dollars are spent, or our roads or traffic, or healthcare or the environment.  When you don't vote, you let a few voters who do care, determine how your money is spent and what kind of education your children or grandchildren will receive.


Fellow Americans, we really need to get over the excuses and just do it!


I challenge Gracywoods' precincts number 258, 268, and 218 to turn out and vote.  Let's shoot for 50% voter turnout.  I know you are laughing at this number, but why?

  • Voting is free. 
  • Voting is convenient.  
  • Voting is important.  
  • Voting is our constitutional right. 
  • Voting is a duty of free people. (Even Americans!)

Surely, at least 50% of Gracywoods residents can find 5 minutes over the next two weeks to vote!


Just do it.  Vote early. 

Show our City Council, County Commissioners and State Representative that North Austin is paying attention and engaged.


For more information on Voting in Travis County visit:



Important announcement: 

On Tuesday, November 2nd at 7:00 p.m. at Brentwood Oaks Church of Christ, we will be hosting our monthly neighborhood meeting.  Our special guest will be Alan Graham, president of Mobile Fish and Loaves, and City of Austin staff.  We will be discussing the proposed Homeless RV Park near The Domain.


Join us to discuss homeless issues in North Austin and what services will be provided by Mobile Fish and Loaves.



Francoise Luca
President, Gracywoods Neighborhood Association



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