Wednesday, May 26, 2010

GracyWatch Notice

Stay Alert.

Crime spikes in the summer months

We must stay vigilant.

We must call 911 for any suspicious activity


How do we stop crime in our neighborhood this summer?


1. Harden your house. Your sliding glass door should have either a lock or a pole at the bottom to prevent it from sliding when you are not home. If your sliding glass door is on backwards, install a pin in the top metal rail to prevent the doors from sliding.


2. Deadbolts screws:  Change the screws on your deadbolt plate. The plate on the doorframe, where your deadbolt catches, is your home's weak spot. Most homes in our neighborhood had plates that were installed with short screws. Remove the short screws and put in longer screws, at least 6 inches, these hold the plate to the stud around the door. If you do not replace these screws, it will take a thief about 10 seconds to smash in your door. The screws cost about a dollar - the cheapest insurance against break-ins you can get.


3. Don't be a target:  Don't make your house a target when you are gone for a while. Unplug the garage door opener, make sure neighbors are aware you are gone, and have a trusted person pick up mail and newspaper. Don't call to have services stopped - you have no idea who can see that list!


4. Be suspicious.  Criminals are lazy and they will go to a different neighborhood if we make it difficult to score in our neighborhood.  Criminals work in teams to observe who is not paying attention to their belongings.  When you see strangers in your area, stop them and ask questions – or call 911.  Get an incident number and send us a description of your situation and incident number to


5. Daytime vigil:  Be extra vigilant between 8 am and 12 noon. That is the main time that we have problems with crime in the summer months.


6. Do the five. Get to know your neighbor on either side of you and the three across the street from you.  These are your 'five'.  Get their phone numbers (work, home, cell numbers.) Watch their homes, pick up newspapers and flyers on the door. If they are going to be away a while, park your car in their drive. Turn your/their lights on at night or use stagged timers through out the house to turn on and off lights and radios when you are away.  (Tune radio to talk-news stations.)


United We Stand.

Join your neighborhood watch program.

Call your Austin Police Dept. district rep with extra information about past incidents.


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